Eisfelder Family Genealogy

We have about 12000 names on our family tree.  This is a list of some of the families that we are descended from or related to.  For privacy reasons, no family trees are provided here.  If you think you may be connected to us, please contact Rodney Eisfelder

Of course, this list is incomplete and will be updated from time to time as new information comes to light.

Useful Links

This site has several mentions of Rodney's Great-Great Uncle, William Eisfelder from the pages of a San Francisco Newspaper.

The Victorian Public Records Office Digitized Records includes a Migration Index that records the arrival of the "Pollack" family to Australia in 1858.

The Berliner Adressbuch 1799-1943 documents the addresses and occupations of the Eisfelder, Wittkower, Friedländer, Spandau, Katschinski, Levy etc families in Berlin.

This is probably a reference to my ggg-gf, who died in Berlin in 1853.

This site documents Holocaust victims who passed through Theresienstadt (Terezin). Includes mention of one of my paternal great-grandfathers and one of my maternal great-grandmothers and many other relatives.

The German Gedenkbuch documents the fate of dozens of members of my family including my great-uncle, my great-grandfather, my great-grandmother, the brother of my great-grandfather and many more, but it is not complete...

The Baden-Württemberg State Archvies has documented my great-great-grandmother's grave in Baden-Baden

Stolpersteine in Lübeck, including one for my great-grandfather laid in August 2013

Stolpersteine in Kempen

French and German town names in Alsace and Lorraine 
German and Polish town names in Poland
A comprehensive list of places in Germany 1871-1990

Our Home Page  |  The Home of Jewish Genealogy  | GerSIG
German Exile Newspapers (taken off-line during 2012)
The Australian Jewish Genealogy Society (Victoria)
The Australian Jewish Genealogy Society (New South Wales)
Victorian Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages
Newspaper Links
Sample Religions in 19th century German handwriting